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Secondary studies in foreign languages Tanulmányok idegen nyelven Opportunities in Debrecen Debreceni lehetőségek
Bilingual secondary schools in Debrecen Két tanítási nyelvű iskolák Csokonai Vitéz Mihály Gimnázium Fazekas Mihály Gimnázium Ady Endre Gimnázium Language of teaching ItalianSpanishFrenchEnglish SubjectsHistoryBiologyGeographyCivilization Mathematics History GeographyCivilization BiologyCivilization GeographyCivilization Native teachers 3212 Foreign student 241
Bilingual secondary schools in Debrecen Két tanítási nyelvű iskolák Bilingual secondary schools in Debrecen Két tanítási nyelvű iskolák Dienes L. Gimnázium és Szki. Mechwart A. Gépipari és Informatikai Szki. Erdey-Grúz Vegyipari és Körny. Szki. Language of teaching EnglishGermanEnglish SubjectsHistoryBiologyGeographyCivilizationMathematics Physics History CivilizationMathematics Chemistry Biology Native teachers 121 Foreign students 000
Bilingual secondary schools in Debrecen Két tanítási nyelvű iskolák Irinyi J. Gimnázium és Szki. Bethlen G. Közgazdasági Szki. Tóth Árpád Gimnázium (not bilingual) Language of teaching GermanEnglishEnglish Subjects Economy Geography Civilization Mathematics Informatics History Geography CivilizationMathematics Chemistry Biology Informatics History Literature Native teachers 111 Foreign students 015
Graduation exam/GCSE Érettségi vizsga Hungarian GCSE can only be passed with the knowledge of Hungarian language Hungarian GCSE can only be passed with the knowledge of Hungarian language Certain subjects can be taken in foreign language – of which the graduating student gets a certificate Certain subjects can be taken in foreign language – of which the graduating student gets a certificate International graduation/GCSE exam can be taken at Fazekas Mihály Secondary School and at several secondary schools in Budapest International graduation/GCSE exam can be taken at Fazekas Mihály Secondary School and at several secondary schools in Budapest
Summary With the cooperation of secondary schools it would be possible to teach all subjects in English, German, Italian and perhaps in Spanish and French as well With the cooperation of secondary schools it would be possible to teach all subjects in English, German, Italian and perhaps in Spanish and French as well The coordination of the Department of Education of the City of Debrecen is required The coordination of the Department of Education of the City of Debrecen is required
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